Here is a sweet rooftop tent caddy built by Reid!
"Back story on my first project: I posted a picture similar to the one below on a camper group in FaceBook looking for advice on a better way to onload and offload a 125 pound roof top tent from my car so I could roll it into my garage by myself. I built the first one out of lumber, and it was a poor design, but it was also a lot of bolts and washers and nuts.
One of the comments in response was "I think I'll try this with EMT". So I looked around and found Maker Pipe and placed an order. After the connectors arrived (and thanks to David for the design help), it took me about an hour to cut the right lengths and assemble the replacement tent caddy from Maker Pipe and some Nucor EMT that I found at Lowe's. I have found it to be more stable (better design for sure) and that I can use it with more confidence than I did the lumber model.
My experience so far is that the EMT is lighter and easier to use than lumber, and it went together easily with the connectors. I am very, very happy with the new caddy, and I've already placed an order for more connectors to build some shelving for the camping bins you can see in the photos."