
Just an intro. My name is Danni and I’m  a retired dog trainer of 30ys and In Seattle.  Now I have time to do things for my animals.  Throughout my career with dogs we always trying to come up with creative ways to jimmy rig things to work dogs and my own animals.  We got chickens this year and just to build a coop was killing me.  These were going to be the million dollars chickens. With the price of wood up 300% sense COVID. We needed to look at other alternatives to work around things we build.   Now we found pipe maker this opens up new doors.  I can’t wait to play and build.   So my first project is going to be this coop and the weird way it’s going to lay out due to space.  I will post pics as I go I have the whole idea in my head.  Ok I did scratch a plan on the back of a napkin one night and that was only to try to explain my wife what I was planning.   I still need to figure out about hinges for things.  thanks

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