Keith recently shared an update on the false roof ...

Keith recently shared an update on the false roof he was working on for their annual light show. It looks amazing! Check out the full show here ------->

"This is what the finished product of all those incredible Maker Pipe products have helped me create for my community. This is a fake second story on my house to bring some height to my single story ranch home and add a couple thousand more pixels to the show.
I originally wanted to use Maker Pipe and EMT for the vertical supports that hold up each of the 3 sections of false roof, but they did not have the strength after testing and your top rail brackets were not available yet, so I used wood for the verticals and top rails cut into grooves in the wood so that the 3 false roof sections could slide into place once lifted up.

The 3 false roof sections are designed to have the look of a real house's eaves and overhangs. This worked so well I had several people watch the show tell me there was no way it was a fake prop on the roof, they were sincerely shocked to find out it was all fake. I used multiple types of Maker Pipe connectors, each of the 3 sections ended up a little different, I plan on taking it all down this spring and rebuilding it so they are identical and make each one slightly smaller so as to allow them to stack into each other for storage. I also want to make a tent type frame like a carport for a cover to protect it all till next season.

I use Maker Pipe in many other parts of the show, as bracing for other heavy props, frameworks to hold up matrix panels (like a huge tv basically) and in other non light related projects like a mini carport for my sons go kart and a hydroponics mini greenhouse.

The show has 45,000 Lights all controlled by 8 custom built controllers with 12 smaller "satellite" controllers spread around the property. I have a PC in my garage that controls everything including the FM broadcast using a software called Xlights.
This year's show was the most difficult and most important for me, as the second story addition was dreamed up in the previous Christmas by my wife and I while out directing traffic for our show. She passed away suddenly in February and I wanted to do this for her as a tribute.

Thank you for the amazing products you create, they help us all create amazing things."