My first Maker Pipe project: a frame for mounting a holiday star to the roof of my house. Clips onto the parapet wall facing diagonally as shown. Verticals with pipe insulation in front and behind wall keep it stable in the high winds we get here occasionally. Offset bends in the front verticals were the hardest part to do. Uses only 6 tee fittings. I was able to fabricate, assemble and install in an afternoon. Unlike other solutions, Maker Pipe allows full on-site adjustments, and is light enough that I could carry the whole thing up a ladder myself. In my exuberance, I neglected to take pix during the build, but it’s pretty simple; much simpler than the dimensional lumber design I came up with originally.
Many thanks to my brother for turning me on to Maker Pipe (and for making the star). I’ll be suggesting Maker Pipe to my former colleagues where I used to work, as they frequently need to quickly put together fixtures for experiments, and this would be an attractive alternative to heavy and expensive industrial strut in many cases.

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