Awesome project from Peter! I love the built in platform and drain for catching drips.
"I wanted to show you my custom scuba closet progress. Working with these materials is great for a few reasons: part of the pipe stays in the fixture, so measurements don't have to be totally exact, and there's a little wiggle room to get everything level, square, and plumb. I have been working on it late at night after work, and using the conduit tool is more like using a can opener, and much quieter for the occupants of the house than a power saw would be.
I kept thinking I had a bunch of the wrong connectors, but my back of the envelope (literally) math was excellent. I had 140 feet of conduit and used all of it down to a few short pieces totaling about 20 inches of waste.
I do need to put in an order for more T connections. I found new ways to use them during the build and ended up finishing some sections with a 90 degree instead of the proper T.
Anyway, thanks for this product existing. I'm thinking about using it for my next two projects: a laundry table and a sword rack."