Thanks to Michael C. for sharing this great golf simulator screen project. Check out the details below if you'd like to make your own!

"The screen is suspended from a conduit frame, 10' wide x 8.6 tall, with an offset from the wall of approx 10". I cut the conduit to the exact height of the ceiling, so it was a fairly tight fit. The putting green isn't actually used for the practice swings. (It was just there when I took the photo.)

2 @ 10' length (width)
2 @ 8'6 length (Height)
4 @ 10" length (wall standoffs)
2 @ 2' length (angled legs)
4 @ 90 deg Maker Pipe brackets
2 @ adjustable brackets

The gap at the bottom will be filled with foam tubes and carpet. The gap at the top will be filled with netting. The ends of all pipes are filled with MP plastic end caps." - Mike