Maker Pipe Tool Extension:
We spend so much time discussing builds and structural projects, but I wanted to share this simple tool “hack” using Maker Pipe to build temporary hand tool extension handles.

We recently moved, and the new house is adjacent to woods and a river. Being next to nature, one minor nuisance pest in the area is the mud dauber wasp because the house has lots of eaves and under-deck sheltered nooks and crannies. These insects build nests out of dirt that they attach to the underside of structures.

Mud daubers are not aggressive, but after their young emerge from the nests, these lime-sized clumps of dirt left behind have holes that can be infiltrated by other less friendly pests.

When we moved in, the house had been vacant so a few of these nests were attached up under our deck. I could scrape them off while standing on a ladder, but if they happen to host a bunch of yellow jackets—well, you don’t want to be on a ladder when you stir up that kind of problem!

My solution was to use a Maker Pipe 45-degree connector and just tighten it down over the handle of a drywall patching blade attached to an 8-foot piece of conduit. Voila—a scraper with an extension handle. The solid attachment gives me good leverage from the ground where I have plenty of opportunity to run away if I need to.

Fortunately, my cleanup was just empty mud nests. But the technique worked so well, I wonder what else I can mount this way for a convenient extension. Ideas? Also, I wanted to share another use for Maker Pipe that I don’t see discussed here.

<EDIT> I posted a comment below—adding more images of using this idea gain with a mini paint roller!

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