Peter recently shared a couple of photos of the shelves he made to display some vintage office items. Check it out!

"Finally got my project done enough to show. I needed a shelf to display my typewriter collection (and some nice old staplers and other vintage office items). What you see is two shelf units that nestle against each other to make a corner unit. They can also be configured side by side. I bought the plywood at Anderson Plywood on Sepulveda Blvd in Los Angeles, and the nice round corners were cut by the guy there. He did a very clean, professional job. Thank goodness for craftspeople!

The design of the shelf is OK, but I'd improve it if I made another one (which I won't!). If you look at the second view, showing the Maker Pipe fittings, you may notice a mistake I made. On the right-hand shelf, I oriented the fittings the same way. As a result, the shelf has a slight tendency to list; I should have put the fittings at right angles to each other to correct for this. I thought I could just unscrew them and turn the fitting 90 deg and screw it back in, but the fitting's screw holes do not form a square! If I turn them, the holes are a tiny bit offset from the old holes. So I'm kind of stuck with them this way.

I love your fittings, but if the holes were repositioned to make a square, that would be a nice improvement."