So, this is our first time using the Maker Pipe connections. We had a pretty ambitious idea and a very short time frame for the build out, so while I'm not 100% satisfied with the result, I think it's a pretty good "first pancake".

The idea was to build a canopy of lights for a small family event. We had always wanted to build a hyperbolic surface that formed an arch, but up until now hadn't gotten it past the planning stages.

Overall, I'd say the design was oversized, as I couldn't manage to reach high enough to string lights over the top chords, but we did get the shape. We used a pipe bender to make the acute angles of the hypar shape, which also helped with the rigidity of the whole thing.

If we had painted the EMT black, it would have disappeared more once it got dark, but I had this crazy idea of returning the unbent, uncut EMT once the event was over.

In a future version, I'd like to make multiple smaller surfaces, and then use the heat shrink to give them colors - make the whole thing more polished.

Anyway, pictures attached.


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